Profiinstand - Die Profis für Ihren speziellen Fall

Refurbishment of a home front door made from aluminium

The profiles of the home front door were deformed during a break-in by pressure and lever force and the door hinges were dislocated. Thus all functions are considerably restricted. The door rabbet is heavily damaged. The seals must also be replaced.

You can see here that the door hinges are dislocated, the clearances must be newly adjusted.
The door wing is newly hinged. The clearances are now the same all around and parallel. The door closer is also newly lacquered.

Bump and scratch marks on the surface of the door profiles are actually previous damages but are removed during damage repair. After repair we see faultless profiles and a flawless, glossy surface.

A break-in damage is no longer visible, even the unhandsome weathered fabric handle was lacquered and looks new again.
The damage refurbishment includes the complete reconditioning of the whole door element including function check and adjustments.